Such a cutie pie is Syddie my Senegal Parrot
Syddie my Senegal Parrot is so cute these days, he gets me to scratch his beak then he holds my finger tightly with all his. It is Syddie’s way of showing love and affection, Gratitude. Amazing animals naturally living in the Now, this is one of the Laws of Giving and Receiving, I wish sometimes we humans were the same.
Senegal Parrot Syddie in the Now
I learn so much from my Senegal Parrot Syddie; he really knows how to be in the moment. Be it having his bath, eating a grape or his beloved guavas, he still never tires of guavas. I am not so sure about the guava pips if anyone knows they are not good for parrots please let me know.
Habitual ways Syddie my Senegal Parrot
I am sitting in the winter sun well it is 23 Celsius, Syddie is having his bath, I just love to watch this little ritual, just brings awareness into the moment. The little feet go splash splash one at a time. The head goes in then he flattens himself for his chest. I did buy him a big bath, but no he uses his drinking bowl of course. Habits, I guess parrots have the same habitual ways as us humans.
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Syddie My Senegal Parrot