Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Beautiful Syddie

Syddie my beautiful Senegal Parrot

Adorable Syd who is a 6 year old Senegal Parrot

Syd sitting in front of a mirror, he used to bite my ear when he saw a reflection in the mirror. So I have purposely kept keeping him in front of the mirror saying to him "that's you". He actually sometimes scratches his head, or bends down or holds his toy to check its not someone else, he might actually think its another bird.He has got a couple of yellow flecks on the back he took a liken to Lucozade, but I realized it has carotene in which is probably causing that.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Syd the Senegal Parrot and his Mom

Syd my Senegal Parrot wanting his head scratched

Syd just loves having his head scratched, his like a baby in the morning and at night. Although this could be him posing as well, Senegal Parrot and all.

For all those Senegal Parrot lovers, advice is always welcome about Syd

Yes I do worry sometimes that I really need to take my time and train him, I have got a clicker but I tried it with treats, Syd was not having none of that. He is a little spoiled boy and quite happy with that, his latest is watching cartoons. He sits and giggles, he likes more the childlike voice ones. It is quite a pleasure to hear him giggling.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Syd my Senegal Parrot eating his egg

My Senegal Parrot with one of his favorite foods

Syd absolutely adores boiled eggs, the yellow of course, he loves omelets as well, all forms of egg really. His number one food is of course spaghetti Bolognese and any other pasta.

My Senegal Parrot and his egg, very happy little boy

He can't even wait for it to cool down, keeps moaning, the minute he hears he is going to have a egg, wow, making noises, keeps saying eggy.